Vitamix Ascent A2500
February 7, 2017
Excellent product. I've seen Vitamix blenders demonstrated at Costco for years and, with an eye toward buying one, researched them online for weeks. I chose the Ascent line, which was not demonstrated at Costco, because it appears to be the platform with which Vitamix will continue in the future, and its increased 10 year warranty suggests the manufacturer's confidence in it's longevity. From the line I chose the A2500 for it's automated settings at small additional cost, which allow one to turn it on and walk away. My uses are relatively simple: primarily smoothies and soups. When compared to typical consumer blenders, which are admittedly much less expensive. this blender is a couple of orders of magnitude better in construction quality and performance. The blend is so much more thorough, it makes me acutely aware of the quality I've been missing all these years. I'm tight with a dollar, don't spend money foolishly, and I'm impressed with performance, not brand. Is the Vitamix A2500 worth the price? Absolutely.
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